KADUNA KIDS GOT TALENT is a new and exciting reality television talent show that seeks to discover and highlight extra-ordinary talent in Kaduna.
The main objective of the contest is to provide a platform on which young fresh talent
can showcase their gifts to friends, family and the state as well as
highlight the importance of encouraging children to discover
and nurture their gifts. The contest will present contestants a rare
opportunity to showcase their talent to a live audience and have their
gift reviewed by a multifaceted and talented panel of judges. The Kids
edition features children from the ages of 7 – 14 years.
enter KADUNA KIDS GOT TALENT by completing and submitting a
registration form and attending our auditions to showcase their talent
to the council of judges. All contestants will be carefully appraised by
the council of judges at various areas after which top three finalists
from every area will be selected to officially enter into the final
round of contest where there will be eliminations based on how well each
contestant performs. The show will aired on national TV for full season
of Five (5) weeks.
4th March – 8th April, 2017
5Weeks of Talent Hunt
competition preliminary performances will be held at designated venues
within local areas as will be communicated to contestants and guardians
no less than a week to the date of competition.
A preliminary competition for all talent acts will be held on March 4th,
2017. Preliminary competition performances will be scored by voting
from both independent celebrity judges and the general public audience.
Celebrity judge voting will account for 75% of each act’s preliminary
performance score with the audience vote accounting for the remaining
The three finalists from each location will advance to the final round of competition to be held on March 11th through April 8th 2017.
The final competition will be scored on the basis of 25% from celebrity
judge votes and 75% from the general public audience. All voting from
the general public audience must be cast in person at the time of the
performance. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top five finalists in
order of voting. Top prize for the contest winner will be a complete
scholarship through secondary school and cash reward. Meanwhile, all
participants will be presented with varieties of books/kiddies for
contesting (Everyone is a Winner!).
applications will be accepted from qualified individuals and groups
performing within the guidelines of contest talent categories. The
contest will be limited to the first 75 qualifying applications received
by the Center and will form the preliminary show. Applications forms
are available at Rabitz Studios Entertainment (F6, Y.A. Ahmed House,
Ahmadu Bello Way, Kaduna), at schools and also online at www.facebook.com/kidsgottal entng .
the purpose of this talent show, Kaduna State has been sub grouped into
the following unit areas where preliminary contest will take place on
March 4th, 2017.
1. Zaria
2. Kawo/Mando
3. Unguwan Rimi/Badarawa/Unguwan Sarki/Malali/ Marafa/Kaduna Township/Kigo
4. Kurmin Mashi/44 Baracks/Badikko/Gwamna Road/Tudunwada
5. Kabala west/Kudenda
6. Barnawa/Narayi
7. Sabo/Television
8. Kakuri/Tricania
9. Romi/Gonin Gora
10. Marabanrido/ Kamazou
11. Kafanchan
Applicants MUST meet the following criteria in order to qualify for the contest:
1. Contestant(s)
must be between the age of 7 and 14 years old, a resident of Kaduna
state and be a current student enrolled in public or private school or
home schooled. Student must be attending school within Grade 1–12. The
application signature of the contestant’s guardian is required to
confirm guardian’s support. If applicant is a group of individuals, all
performing group members must qualify as if performing as an individual
and must complete an application accompanied including all required
signatures. Only one application Fee will be required for the group,
however and forms will be pinned together.
2. Contest entrance fee is nonrefundable for all eligible contestants. Entrance fee payments MUST be made payable to Rabitz Studios Entertainment at the time of application.
3. Performances MUS T meet
qualifying talent categories: MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTAL or VOCAL, DANCE,
VISUAL TRICKS, COMEDY, or OTHERS. No athletic or extreme sport
performances will be allowed.
4. Contestant(s) is required to provide all music and props for their performance. Performance MUST be
limited to five minutes or less. Any contestant unavailable to perform
at his/her scheduled time slot will be eliminated from the contest.
5. Voting
which results from the show, judges and audience will be final. Contest
finalists will be notified in writing of their contest standings.
Contest winners will be announced at the April 8th, 2017 final show.
2. Click on the Sign-Up Button
3. Fill in the details
4. In the Teller Number Section
Enter Teller Number of Payment made to the bank
OR Transaction ID we give to you over the phone
Enter Teller Number of Payment made to the bank
OR Transaction ID we give to you over the phone
5.Wait for Confirmation SMS
6. It's that simple!
Wish you Goodlick!